Holiday update from Minnit Chat!

This is a post from @brk, one of the founders of Minnit Chat

I would like to thank everyone for helping make Minnit Chat better, with various suggestions and feedback. I wanted to take the time to explain what’s been going on behind the scenes.

First off, Minnit Chat is exiting its “beta phase” in the coming months. We are re-doing a lot of pages, moving away from PHP to a more fast & secure language, so that’s taking a lot of time. I, personally, enjoy trying to find glitches and hacks in other websites, so believe me when I say that we are always making sure Minnit Chat is above the pack, and better than ever.

Now, obviously this takes time, and, while we’re getting very close, there’s still stuff to be done. Just hang tight. Afterwards, I hope to work on re-designing some aspects of the chat, making mobile & web versions more similar, so it’s less confusing for our users to go from one device to another. Stay tuned for that in 2018.

Furthermore, on a more personal level, I have been having health problems, so I’m sorry I haven’t been around to speak to people quite so much. My time on Minnit is spent more on the security upgrades, and less on fun stuff like Smilies. Don’t worry — I, as well as @WYW, know that everybody loves the smilies, so we haven’t forgotten about you.

Speaking of Smilies: (snowman) and (grinch) were added today, and a Santa hat can be added to your smilies via the Smiley Maker. These are all free to use, to help you celebrate Christmas right.

Chat owners — if you ever have questions or suggestions, send it in to [email protected] and we’ll be happy to answer. We’re always working alongside you to make sure everything works just as you want.

Thanks again, and have a Merry Christmas!!!