We know that the prices listed on the buy page can be confusing if you aren’t living in the US. We’ve now updated the buy page to support many of the major currencies, as well as displaying tax inclusive prices. Here’s the list of supported currencies: US Dollars (USD) Euros (EUR) Great British Pounds (GBP)… Continue reading You can now buy coins in more currencies
Stay safe online, and keep others safe too.
Congress passed H.R.1865 – Allow States and Victims to Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act of 2017 asking website owners to help crackdown on sex trafficking, so we felt this was the perfect time to release a statement on what you can do to help. If Minnit receives knowledge of sex trafficking taking place on the… Continue reading Stay safe online, and keep others safe too.
How to add a chatroom to Squarespace
Some people want a free group chat embedded directly into their Squarespace website. Doing it is very easy, so we’ll guide you through the steps right now. Step One – Sign Up for Minnit.chat Registration couldn’t be easier. Register by clicking here. After registration, you will be guided to creating your Minnit Chat. Mark that… Continue reading How to add a chatroom to Squarespace
Minnit Chat’s major overhaul is now live!
Minnit’s overhaul is now live. Every page has been re-coded in a new language, the entire chatroom has been re-designed, and more. A few things you might notice, is that photos you upload will now be much higher quality. The mobile version of the chat has also been completely redone from the ground-up. And we’ve… Continue reading Minnit Chat’s major overhaul is now live!
Holiday update from Minnit Chat!
This is a post from @brk, one of the founders of Minnit Chat I would like to thank everyone for helping make Minnit Chat better, with various suggestions and feedback. I wanted to take the time to explain what’s been going on behind the scenes. First off, Minnit Chat is exiting its “beta phase” in… Continue reading Holiday update from Minnit Chat!
Minnit Chat – New Features and Updates
Hello everyone! As chat owners, we know users might sometimes ask you for help with registration, or questions about the service. While many of you have read various documentation on the Wiki that can help you learn more about how Minnit operates, we wanted to take the time to explain some of the recent changes… Continue reading Minnit Chat – New Features and Updates
Introducing Bots
We are happy to announce that you can now get a Bot in your chat. Premium Bots can automatically kick users who use words you block. If they keep it up, the bot will ban them. You can change the reasons for kicking & banning, how many warnings to give, and how long to ban.… Continue reading Introducing Bots
How to grow your website using a live chat
One of the easiest ways to grow your website is by using a live group chat to talk with your visitors. Here’s how it can help: Keep your visitors returning Visitors are probably coming to your website because they’re interested in the content you post. Visitors who join can discuss the content you post with… Continue reading How to grow your website using a live chat
New Smiley Packs / Profile Upgrades
Hello again! Today, Minnit Chat just got even better with more advanced smilies and smilie customization, in the form of “Smiley Packs”. These are “packs” of extra smilies, hats, accessories, and, for the first time ever, facial hair, which will allow you to customize your smilies even more. We’ve come out with three unique packs:… Continue reading New Smiley Packs / Profile Upgrades
Jimdo – Free HTML5 Chatroom for your Jimdo website
Users who use Jimdo can improve their website and get returning visitors by using a free HTML5 chat group, embedded directly in to their Jimdo website. Using Minnit Chat, you can have a customizable HTML5 chatroom on your Jimdo site in just a few minutes! Minnit Chat works on every modern device. If a user… Continue reading Jimdo – Free HTML5 Chatroom for your Jimdo website