New Emoji & New Boost Perks

Hello everyone. 👋 Over the past few weeks, we have been rolling out our recently redesigned emoji to various chatrooms. As of today, we’re pleased to announce that the new emoji are now official, across the board! 👏 New items have also been added to our shop, and will be added with more frequency. Check… Continue reading New Emoji & New Boost Perks

An improved embed experience

Hello everyone. Today, I’m pleased to announce that Minnit’s embed experience is now even better for Organizations. Whether you embed Minnit onto your website directly, or you use our WordPress chat plugin, the embed method now utilizes LocalStorage to remember your user’s account variables, and then sends the variables to the chat iframe. This way,… Continue reading An improved embed experience

Stickers come to Minnit!

Today, we are pleased to announce that Stickers are coming to Minnit Chat. Stickers are able to be set up by the Owner of the chatroom via the “Chat Settings” menu — look for “Emoji & Stickers” to find the new settings. Stickers make it easy for Owners to set up one-click reactions, funny GIFs,… Continue reading Stickers come to Minnit!

New features for Organizations

Hello everyone. Last weekend, we released a large update that added a new payment tier, the ability for users to contribute to Boosting your chatroom/Organization, and other related improvements, which we covered in our previous blog post. This update also included useful updates specific for Organizations. Let’s go over them now. First off, Single Sign… Continue reading New features for Organizations

New ways to upgrade your community — with the help of your community

Hello everyone. Today, we have released new ways to upgrade your chatroom or Organization. The first new way is via a new payment tier between “Free” & “Basic”, dubbed “Lite”. The Lite plan is immediately available to be upgraded to using The plan allows you to have up to 100 users, as well as… Continue reading New ways to upgrade your community — with the help of your community


Hello everyone. We have just released our API for Organizations. Our API makes it easy to deploy and remove chatrooms, with a simple request from your server to ours. Currently, you are able to send messages, create new chats, copy chats, delete chats, and even set the pinned notice within chats. Additionally, you’re able to… Continue reading API

Custom Domains just got better

Since the launch of Custom Domains in January, we’ve had a lot of positive feedback. Custom Domains solve third party cookie issues, which makes the user experience a lot smoother. With some configuration on the Organization Settings backend, and waiting for responses from your DNS registrar, Owners could get Custom Domains up and running in… Continue reading Custom Domains just got better